Basic information
Villa Bambini
Amsterdamseweg 466
1181BW Amstelveen
LRK: 144601552
CoC: 34354574
Tax number:
Banknr IBAN:
Telephone and email:
T: 020-4261166
Blue (babies) 020-4261161
Green (jr toddlers): 020-4261162
Orange (jr toddlers): 020-4261163
Red (sr toddlers): 020-4261164
Villa Bambini in a nutshell:
horizontal groups: 1 babygroup,
2 junior toddlergroups and 1 senior toddlergroup
3 x per week organic hot lunches
steady team of employees, always
familiar faces to greet you
cosy, open and (child)friendly ;-)
The idea behind Villa Bambini
When Villa Bambini was set up in 2010, the idea was simple: children come to the shelter three days a week on average, so we wanted to build a cheerful, cozy, safe second home where children would like to go to and parents would like to bring their children.
The location helps: a nice corner building, broken into a spacious villa with a garden and a roof terrace. Four horizontal groups where children have room to play with each other, learn, eat, sleep, do crafts, make music, dance, celebrate birthdays and laugh a lot.
The atmosphere is relaxed, the address open and friendly. There is no business distance. You can always walk into the office for a cup of coffee and a chat and ideas from parents are welcomed with open arms. We strive as much as possible for children, parents and teachers to have a cozy place where the best in them is brought out.
Of course we meet all requirements of GGD, municipality and fire regulations. There are annual inspections and we keep ourselves well informed of the latest developments and laws from the government.
What can we say? We are simply: